Saturday 11 July 2015

Triple Three Treat

3 July 2015 (Friday) - Triple Three (Mandarin Orchard).  Our promotion treat was held at the Triple Three this year.  Great food, great company, what more could I ask for right?  But before the company dinner, we stopped by Somerset 313 and took photos at the "Line" popup store!

Notice the little white pill in the top right hand corner?  Is it a marshmallow?  Is it a peppermint?

Surprise surprise!  When water is poured on it, the white pill magically grows into a wet tissue!

The selection of food was pretty good for carnivores but probably not such a good choice for herbivores.  My favourites were the grilled crayfish, grilled prawns with bacon wrap, fresh oysters and variety of seafood.  (Absence truly makes the heart fonder... My obsession with salmons, prawns and such was probably due to the lack of seafood in Munich...)

Risotto with different exotic flavours.  The risotti chef Tee Wei Lin had an awesome service attitude and helped to serve the three plates to our table when he noticed that KT couldn't manage all the plates alone!  Or perhaps he was simply charmed by KT's love for his risottos haha...

And here's my parting shot... I will leave you to ogle at the bread and desserts spread!

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